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Justice Building, D8

Justice Building, D8

Citizen hard at work.

Citizen hard at work.

Textile factory.

Textile factory.



INDUSTRY: Textiles.

ENVIRONMENT: A District of the same approx. size as B.D.D. Ohio. Consisting of pockets of cities separated by a train ride through the countryside, D8 cities are all controlled by a single Company that is in charge of producing a specific set of clothes and textiles. Approx. population of 450,000.


COAL — Unlike many other Districts, D8 has not had its factories updated according to D3 and D5’s energy-saving technologies. Because of this, it is the only District that still relies heavily on D12’s coal in order to function. The cities are typically covered in a layer of ash because of this.

HEALTHCARE — Healthcare is not subsidized, not even in work-related incidences. Additionally, a D8 citizen is projected to have a much shorter lifespan due to the toxins in the air created by the coal used to power weaving machines and other factory essentials.

CHILD LABOR — While not necessarily legalized like in D6, it is incredibly common for D8 factory cities to have child laborers.

PREPARATION FOR THE CENTENNIAL: Output of products in D8 has doubled in preparation for the Centennial. Merchandise featuring past Tributes’ faces, along with producing special clothes for each District citizen to wear for the Renaissance Celebration.

COMPANIES — Each city in D8 is controlled by a “Company” that is usually associated with the family name of a high-ranking Capitolist in charge of D8 productions.

PROHIBITION — Alcohol has been outlawed in this District following an uptick in consumption and addiction.

UPRISING — District 8 was one of the Districts who Rebelled twenty-five years past. They were also one of the Districts hit the hardest. Their Uprising lasted 9 months before the Capitol regained control. Since then, District 8 has been worked to the bone, largely forgotten in the way District 12 was prior to the Rebellion.