<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This information is for Panem Planning Committee eyes only.


Grain silo.

Grain silo.

Grain silo.

Grain silo.

Grain silo.

Grain silo.




ENVIRONMENT: A District of the same approx. size as B.D.D. Oklahoma. Made up wholly of farms, D9 boasts one of the largest populations at approx. 900,000.


SCHEDULING — All citizens and their families are expected to move quite often. It is common for a single family unite to move between two or three cities within a year. These are typically kept on a rotation so a family unit is at least given some stability. Families can and will be split up during harvest seasons or in accordance to which farm is currently in need of the most hands. This is also a proven tactic for unrest dissemination.

*HEALTHCARE & HOUSING — Healthcare is not subsidized, except in work-related incidences. Housing is not technically subsidized either. Instead, housing is contracted through labor. This also goes for food and wealth. Housing often consists of wood-slat houses and small cabins.

OVERSEERS — It is common practice for each farm to be named after its Capitolist sponsor's name. It is often the case that the Overseer of the farm is a Head Peacekeeper associated with the family, either by blood or by earning one's keep with the family. These Overseers and their associated Peacekeeping teams are in charge of running their set farm.

UPRISING — Twenty-five years ago, District 9 was a surprisingly effective Uprising, but they were the first to take concessions when the Capitol hit them hardest. The District escaped the worst of the fallout when their elected leader, 10 months into the Rebellion, decided to depart from President Coin’s rule and surrendered to the Capitol, which attacked them following District 8’s fall.