Graphic PSD by Notorious Aesthetics

Graphic PSD by Notorious Aesthetics

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HUCKLEBERRY the rookie

age: twenty-two to twenty-six

p.o.b.: Devil’s Kettle

SPECIES: fallen 30

SPECIES PERCEPTION: unknown/sympathetic



⁂ A Devil’s Kettle orphan, dropped off at Lichtenstein House under the Safe Delivery law that allows newborns to be surrendered

⁂ Has been sold into many labor contracts with the orphanage, beginning at age eleven.

⁂ Temporarily was sent away to participate in the Fallen 30 experiments, resulting in chronic pain and new abilities due to what they experienced. They were also likely encouraged to leave the orphanage or at least experienced some form of social isolation due to the aftermath of the experiment.

⁂ Most recently, they received a ‘cushy’ new job in Central Egress until a mysterious EXODUS, not to be confused with EXITUS, reached out to them, informing them of a date and time, of which HARPE was told the same information. EXODUS, dressed in all black with their face covered, attended the alley-meeting, informing each of who the other was. They’ve been in the gang since.

⁂ Constantly questioning judgement, the nature of good and evil. Has lived in moral grayness for so long, they question how they can remain good.

Inspirations: Saint Michael, Amy March in Little Women by Louisa Alcott, “This Night Has Opened My Eyes” by The Smiths, “Father” by the Front Bottoms, Theodore Decker in The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, “Working for The Knife” by Mitski



TW: murder, physical & mental torture

The Fallen 30 Experiment was a study funded by the Empire and manned by the ESID in the year 993. Lasting six months, the study invited specific individuals between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, offering them large sums in exchange for their participation. Publicly, the experiment studied those who show the highest statistics towards critical reasoning based on their genetic and persona data gathered in the most recent census. The study came to a close tragically when a Telorevan bombing resulted in thirty of the sixty participants being murdered. There is much collusion regarding what occurred during this time, given the remaining participants were kept under guard while they ‘healed’ from their injuries, but it is largely viewed as a tragedy and the first shots fired in the long-standing Silent War. The name of the experiment stems from this massacre.